Elecnodes world !

Welcome to my website and thankyou for visiting!

About my website

I'm mainly going to post about my art journey and Blender 3d related things

I'm still working on this site. Just playing around at the moment.

My latest post

Procedural Workflows While Designing an Outfit

08 / Feb / 2025

A while back, I wanted to learn more about material nodes in Blender. Because, lord... hand-painting textures is a tedious 😓 especially if you're the type of person who likes to bounce between UV mapping, modelling, and suddenly working on bones.
Taking the time to learn non‑destructive and procedural workflows has been a godsend when working on projects in Blender.
I'm currently working on an outfit from scratch for an avatar. The picture below shows a close‑up view of the fabric details.

Details of the textures

I followed some tutorials to help create the fabric details, and I’m really pleased with how it's turning out. And since everything is procedural, I'm able to change the texture and colours easily and bake them for a game‑ready asset.
The pictures below shows the material nodes:

The picture on the left is the group node that controls the cloth texture that was created with the help of a tutorial.

Concept Art for Mini-Game Layouts

27 / Jan / 2025

I had this idea for my website where I would create a a page dedicated to quick web mini-games.

Concept art for mini game layout

Most, if not all, of the mini-games would load into the orange box. I think the controls or dialogue would mainly pop up in the purple box.
The idea came about because I enjoy playing Zenless Zone Zero, and in one of their events, there was a cute charming, text-based mini-game. It inspired me to create this concept mini-game layout concept. I had the idea of an charater character that was presenting the game to you for you to choose.

Concept art for mini game layout

The character was drawn using Clip Studio, and the background and placeholder were made in Affinity Designer. Although I didnt spend too much time on this because I’m not sure when I’ll learn how to create web games, but I’m glad I took the time to make this concept. Personally, I what to spend more time on the chracte design, especially on the outfit. Though I would need to think up and stay consistent with a theme. Hopefully, I can refine and solidify this idea as time goes on.

Quick Blog Entry: Getting back into the flow

20 / Jan / 2025

Hello, I just want to make a quick blog update. I haven’t been watching my sculpting lessons recently, mainly because I got overwhelmed with life. But I’m trying to slowly get back into the flow again. I read *Atomic Habits* a couple of years ago, and one of the most important lessons I’ve learnt was the 2-minute rule. I started opening Blender for 2 minutes a day to ease into the habit.
Which is also why, for the 2-minute rule, I decided to create a blog post today. I do not want to forget HTML and CSS.
Lately, I’ve been creating 3D mods for avatar models. I don’t know if I will post pictures of what I’m working on at the moment, but I just wanted to say it in this blog entry. Hopefully, I will post something more interesting in the next one. Until then, have a good day.

Progress Over Perfection: My Sculpting Journey

04 / Jan / 2025
Human head sculpt

So, I finished the head over the skull sculpt. Personally, I don't like the result—it doesn't look much like the final material from the lesson I was watching. Most of the time, I don't mind if it doesn't look exactly the same, as long as it looks good in my opinion. But this time, it doesn't look as good as it could be.
Though I shouldn't be a perfectionist, especially when I'm learning and want to get good at this subject quickly. In the past, when I experienced perfectionist tendencies, I was very slow and gave up way too fast. Nowadays, I focus on showing up and/or finishing things, especially since I have shiny object syndrome.
Anyway, though I'm not too happy with my end result from this lesson, I did learn some important concepts. As I apply what I've learnt during sculpting, this particular human sculpt will teach me the errors I should avoid in the future. So, I guess it's a win-win. On to the next lesson then!

My First 3D Website Experiment

03 / Jan / 2025

So I’ve been experimenting with using A-Frame. I still have a lot to learn, some things are still confusing. I haven’t finished reading up on CSS, and I’ve yet to touch JavaScript for website building. Though, I find it cool that I can make 3D stuff appear on a website.

Note: W,A,S,D to move. Click and hold to move Camera

Free star cursor

03 / Jan / 2025
blue star cursor

I quickly made a png cursor for my website, feel free to use it!
you can open the image in a new tab and then save it.

Human head over skull

03 / Jan / 2025
A skull inside of an head gif

So I'm currently working on sculpting the human head over the skull I made last time.

Learning Anatomy Through Sculpting: Creating a Semi-Realistic Human Skull

1 / January / 2025

This time, while following the course,
I made a semi-realistic human skull.
I've learnt a lot about the human skull
while learning how to sculpt it.
I'm finding it a bit easier to learn
anatomy by sculpting rather than drawing.
Somehow, all of this information just clicks
faster in my brain when I sculpt the shapes.

Semi-Realistic skull sculpted in blender

Skull planes of the head

30 / December / 2024
Planes of the skull sculpted in blender

Some more head sculpt exercises that I am doing.
Here is a picture of the planes of the head skull.
Still a beginner at sculpting skulls but the tutorial/course I'm using is really helpful.
I am learing a lot about head anatomy

Human head sculpt

27 / December / 2024

Here I'm practicing and learning how to sculpt a male human head
I wanna get better at making head and body sculpts.

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